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The ICAO-EASA Conversion CPL/IR/MEP is the course that you have to take to obtain the EASA license. The conversion of your ICAO license to an EASA ATPL has been laid down to the regulations of EASA Part FCL.

  • Duration: 3-5 weeks
  • Fee: € 10,900
Program Description

The ICAO-EASA Conversion CPL/IR/MEP is a pre-approved reduced training modular training course. The aim of the course is to train an ICAO CPL/IR/MEP holder with EASA ATPL theory credit, to the level of proficiency necessary to enable them to operate as co-pilot on multi pilot, multi engine airplanes in commercial air transportation, according to the EASA Part-FCL.

Pre-entry Requirements
  1. Valid EASA Medical (class 1) Certificate
  2. Valid ICAO CPL/IR/MEP
  3. EASA ATPL Theory Certificate
  4. Minimum of 185 hrs total flight time, including 100 hrs as PIC, of which 50 hrs X-country as PIC
  5. Minimum of 55 hrs instrument flight time, of which up to 40 hrs in FNPT II
  6. Minimum of one X-country trip of at least 300 NM with two stops at aerodromes different from the base
Program Structure

The Flight Training: The flight training course comprises a total of 35 hrs and covers the conversion training for the CPL, MEP class rating and IR (MEP), including the PBN. Of those, 10 hrs are conducted on single engine piston airplanes (SEP), 5 hrs on multi engine piston airplanes (MEP) and 20 hrs on an FNPT II flight simulator.

The duration of the course can vary from 3 to 5 weeks. On average, most students complete the course in 4 weeks.

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