Residence permit
A residence permit is any documentation issued by the Greek authorities, according to which a third country citizen is given the right to reside legally within Greek territory, in accordance with the provisions of the European Union (Regulation 1030/02 as applicable).
For non-European students who wish to come to Greece and study, they must first take their Student visa, Type D, from the Greek Consulate in their country of living. Having the visa, the student can come and start his/her training as a student in Global Aviation. During that period of time, the student must apply for the residence permit, which will give him/her the right to legally stay in Greece. Usually, the student residence permit is granted for 1½ year. If needed, the student with the assistance of the academy can extend his/her residence permit for another 6 months.
As with the visa issuing process, the academy can offer its assistance to the student in applying for his/her residence permit. Global Aviation, in co-operation with a lawyer, will do the application on behalf of the student, after collecting all the necessary documents and certifications prior to any application.